Monday, February 12, 2024

Sousaphones shine at the Super Bowl!


While Ludacris and Usher were doing their thing at the Super Bowl halftime show last night, I was delighted to see them briefly upstaged by, of all things, Sousaphones!

The bass players hoisting these silver-plated monsters were members of the Jackson State University Marching Band, known as "The Sonic Boom of the South," and they were having the time of their lives, adding a distinctively college football vibe to the whole halftime spectacle.

Here are a few more photos, showing that there were at least eight in the section, along with other band members, of course, and they appeared to be playing Conn 20Ks (if you look closely, you can just make out the short action valves).

Here's a closer look at the horn itself, which has been reinforced with a few more braces than you normally see on a Conn 20K. I would imagine these guys give these beasts a workout every time they play - sonic boom, indeed!